Monday 17 June 2013

enclave eight in TECHNICOLOUR!

(this final one is proof, if proof be needed, that watercolours and fountain pens REALLY do not mix)

Wednesday 5 June 2013

staff of enclave eight: representatives

Lady Fetumin Culp 

Dr Poi Pfitzner 

Rt. Hon. Naunton Danby

Reverend Danby Fessle

Augustus Frick

Dympna Cossett

Ivy Temple

staff of the enclave 3: liaison

Zino Kipnis (Government Liaison)

Lazar Sholto (Foreign Liaison)

Sir Joffrey Mondas (Secret Liaison)

the staff of the enclave 2

Erml Sminim (Human Resources)

Major Margot Slezak (Chief Scientist)

Aurelius Petibon (Librarian)

Bolivar Jom (Research)

Hobart Potton (Research)

the staff of the enclave 1

Wing Commander Barbara Gunderson (Head of Unit)

Paul Mukonge (Second in Command)

Monday 3 June 2013

The Staff of Enclave Eight

Wing Commander Barbara Gunderson (Head of Unit)
Paul Mukonge (Second in Command)
Erml Sminim (Human Resources)
Lazar Sholto (Foreign Liaison)
Sir Joffrey Mondas (Secret Liaison)
Zino Kipnis (Government Liaison)
Major Margot Slezak (Chief Scientist)
Aurelius Petibon (Librarian)
Hobart Potton (Research)
Bolivar Jom (Research)
Lady Fetumin Culp (Representative)
Dr Poi Pfitzner (Representative)
Rt Hon. Naunton Danby (Representative)
Reverend Danby Fessle (Representative)
Augustus Frick (Representative)
Dympna Cossett (Representative)
Ivy Temple (Representative)

An Introduction to the Enclave.

We are small collective of talents, answerable only to the highest powers of the realm. Enclave Eight exists to bring answers to the unanswerable, to make possible the impossible, to exact probability to the improbable. We can be contacted courtesy of the Oratory of Saint Mandragora in the town of Lower Spemmel. We number sixteen. If you have problems you feel are complex enough for our skill set to consider, please get in touch.